Homssuisesta tulee mieleen naishenkilö, joka on päästänyt otteen kirpoamaan ulkonäöstään. Ei kuitenkaan varsinaisesti epäsiisti vaan vähän nuhjuinen ja nuttura sekaisin. Epäsiisti mies taas on turjake. lauantai, 28 elokuu, 2010 ...
Non c'? ne estate ne primavera,. soltanto sud e ovest. Un cucchiaio reclinato,. un contenitore di rame. Piramide in miseria,. nella casa senza estremit?. Una patria in ginocchia,. Una madrepatria addormentata,. una nazione sul piedistallo. ...... nga vera në dimer po jemi ata. Nanes i ike nga prehni. lulzove lule mes Fushë Arrësit. ia arrnove diellit rrezet e shkyme. u mbolle gjelsomin mes asaj lugine. Lulzim o bir. Turjaka merr nuse kobin. mbi kalvar krushqit ulin koken ...
In TV it was told that the reasons are that Finland hasn't been rich that long, as Turjake sais. So no old money. Another reason is that pension funds are managed by insurance companies, while in non-welfare states people simply save for their ..... In particular, real estate is cheap and plentiful?and so are building materials and services. After spending the last 5-years as a bicycle tourist in eastern Europe, I've seen the really nice homes people are building in the ...